Every film manufacturer has a series of films that match each others and these films are called the Standard Films. They are the frosts, the dyed, metal, duel ply and sputtered films. These films range in price from $5.00 to $6.50 a square foot depending on the type of film used and the amount of square footage. Most of the time a standard film will best suit your requirements and is chosen and installed.
There are also more expensive films. Film's that are made from rare metals, rare design films, ceramic films and films with an infrared layer cost more to manufacturer. These better films are usually lighter in shade and color, to look more natural, with better heat reduction than a standard film that is darker. These more expensive films can range in price from $7.50 to $16.00 a square foot.
1. ULTRAVIOLET PROTECTION 99%. Most window tint films are rated at 99% ultraviolet rejection. The ultraviolet range of light is a big cause of fading and by eliminating almost all of it you help reduce fading of materials and fabricates like your carpets and drapes and create big savings.
2. HEAT REJECTION. Window tinting films can reject up to 85% of the Sun's heat. Many lighter films can cut as much as 60% of the heat, which besides the comfort also saves you energy costs and more money.
3. LIGHT TRANSMISSION. This is the darkness rating of the film. From clear to blocking all the light with a black out film. Extra light is stressful to your eyes and head. The films help eliminate the extra harmful light.